#202 This week—Grappling with fear

Photo courtesy of Kirk Hawkins
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night gripped by fear? What about your move to China… were there or are there any facets of the transition that unnerve you? In this week’s wrap up Pete puts on his therapist’s hat and coaches Ally through some of the unanticipated, and unwelcome fears that have been cropping up in her life. It’s rare for Limitless to focus solely on the topic of fear but we figure, if we’re experiencing some of these unsettling emotions, maybe some of you are too, and it’s worth diving into and uncovering some resources that maybe we don’t realize are closer and more accessible than we think.
I figure if after 11 years in China, I’m dealing with some of these issues, maybe some of our listeners are, too.
Connect with Ally & Pete
Send an email to Ally at ally@limitlesslaowai.com or Pete at pete@limitlesslaowai.com.
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