#214 Why we trust and why we don’t, with Terri Creeden
Have you ever lost trust in someone? I mean, I’m sure you have. Who hasn’t? What about this one: Why do you trust some people right off the bat, and yet for others, there’s something about them that you can’t quite put your finger on but you doubt their level of trustworthiness. There are concrete answers to these questions! I learned a ridiculous amount about trust, sitting with life and executive coach Terri Creeden and diving deep into three elements that make up trust. In the studio we have a fascinating discussion that I hope radicalizes your personal understanding of what you truly need when it comes to securing trusting relationship. Tune in to find out what that might be.
If you rate yourself on these “competency, sincerity and reliability”, the one that you are strongest in, is usually the one that you judge other people the harshest.
Connect with Terri Creeden
Connect with Terri online at www.creedencoachingandconsulting.com.
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