Mar 21, 2017
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we’re delighted to welcome the Director of Shanghai Shakespeare, Thomas Caron. Thomas is a lifelong student of the “Bard of Avon” and his passion is evident as he describes working to translate Shakespeare into a Chinese context. This is a passionate artist and this interview will surely awaken in […]
Mar 7, 2017
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we welcome the leadership team responsible for Ladyfest…a festival to celebrate all things related to Women’s Empowerment that will be happening on Saturday, March 11th. Join us and be energized and excited to attend, and get involved, in this once a year event. Connect with Shanghai Ladyfest Episode sponsors […]
Nov 21, 2016
This is one of Ally’s fav topics… Going clean and green in the home. Eliminating the toxic materials that we’re so accustomed to cleaning with not only betters our health TODAY, it also helps save the world from tons and tons of toxic materials and plastic ending up affecting climate change and poisoning our food […]
4Nov 16, 2016
Grocery shopping is a necessity. But it’s also one of the activities that accumulates the most extra waste. We bring it into our homes, unpack what we actually want, and then fill our trash cans with the rest. How can we practically make moves to reduce this waste in our lives and in the world’s […]
Nov 15, 2016
There’s so much WASTE in our daily lives. Do you even notice? While living in the land of growing consumerism, what steps can China’s expats take to cut down on our individual carbon footprint? In this show with ZeroWasteShanghai.com founder, Alizée Buyssschaert, dives into the five practical steps it takes to begin moving towards a […]
Jul 13, 2016
More and more young families are relocating to China and oftentimes choosing to have children abroad. How do we ensure our best pre-conception health while living overseas? In this show, Ally caught up with health coach and personal trainer, Olga Nemchikova, to find out. A passionate advocate of health and wellness in Shanghai, Olga dropped […]
Jul 4, 2016
Feel like you’re working REALLY hard to make a life in China work? Have you had any push back or challenges that seem insurmountable to your continued growth or success here? If so, you aren’t alone! In this show with Vanessa Narvios, head of the Operations division of China Sports Promotions, organizers of high-end boxing […]
Jun 6, 2016
So there are a lot, a lot of foreigners in China, and much of what we do at Limitless is try to bridge the gap between our cultures and the local Chinese. But, it’s ridiculous to think that each of our individual foreign cultures would handle transition into life and work in China the same […]
May 25, 2016
Not every student who lives abroad spends their time doing the traditional sort of kid things. This is certainly true for the Caddell sisters who chose to say ‘yes’ to a move to Shanghai for a short 7-month stint. Nine-year-old Reece, 13-year-old Maddy, and 16-year-old Cam are well-acquainted with media and as You-tubers and actors […]
Apr 28, 2016
Physical, mental and emotional health are critical for a balanced life abroad. Ally’s guest on this show, Laurie Grey, assumes you all know the apparent obstacles like pollution, food sources, etc. But in her year in China, Laurie has identified a couple of surprising, hidden challenges that jeopardize our well-being. What are they and how […]