Nov 9, 2016
Would you intentionally take a one-year expat assignment? Tara and her family of six did… reluctantly! Now having lived three months back in the US, Ally caught up with Tara on her recent trip back to Shanghai. Tune in to hear Tara share highlights of her expat journey and the gifts it offered her family, […]
Oct 26, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, recruitment guru Janice Hu reflects on the challenges and opportunities of returning to your country of origin. Tune in for deep insights that will help you transition more smoothly. “I honestly felt there were a lot of things that I’d seen and done and places that I’ve been initially […]
Oct 25, 2016
Are you ready to go to China? In this episode of Limitless Laowai, Pete sat down with recruiting guru Janice Hu as she shares her wisdom about successfully transitioning to China. Join us for a conversation that’s sure to give you a few “a-ha” moments and things to think about as you get ready to […]
Jul 29, 2016
Let’s just say it: Repatriation is harder than expatriation. I mean, personally I’ve not done it, and for good reason! The thought of going ‘home’ scares me to death after so many years abroad. Apparently I’m not alone either! In this show you’ll hear the story of Lawrence Chi, the owner of The Expat Compass, […]
Jul 29, 2016
Our success begins in our mind. I believe that wholeheartedly and I loved this discussion I had with Lawrence Chi, the owner of the Expat Compass, about the mindset or at least the behaviors associated with various mindsets, that set the successful expats apart from those who fail or just don’t get into a good […]
Jul 28, 2016
Expatriation on a global scale is becoming more and more competitive and if you’ve been listening to all the other shows in this series with Lawrence Chi, the owner of the Expat Compass, you should know why! The expat life is amazing! So how can you successfully market yourself for an international role? Where should […]
Jul 27, 2016
Not all job opportunities are created equal, and assessing your current skill match to a position’s requirements and navigating your future needs can be a tough process of discernment to wade through from your home country—especially if you don’t know the right questions to ask. I sat with Lawrence Chi, the owner of The Expat […]
Jul 26, 2016
Living abroad… there’s nothing quite like it! The highs are high, tiny successes fuel us for days and there’s limitless adventure around every corner. And yet, of course, if the highs are high, then the lows are low. And with those successes come challenges like most of us have never experienced in our home nations. […]
Jul 25, 2016
There are expats in almost every country around the world. But why? What’s so fantastic about the expat experience that it draws folks from the comforts of their well-known daily routines into the unknowns of a new culture, new job and a new way of life? My guest in this show, Lawrence Chi, is the […]
Apr 20, 2016
It’s not always easy to be on the tenancy side of a rental deal in China. Oftentimes, foreigners and their landlords feel differently about the other’s share of responsibility. In this episode, relocation expert, Adam McWhirter shares what you should and shouldn’t ask of your landlord before and after you sign on the dotted line. […]