Nov 24, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we are continuing our series on “Going Deeper” by delving into the dark territory of co-dependence. This is a popular term in pop psychology but what does it really mean? Can helping other people really be bad for me? This third episode strikes looks at this question honestly. Tune […]
Oct 17, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, author and humorist Funky Chicken gives her take on how the power of perspective can change your life in China for the better. Life doesn’t always go as expected. In China, very few things do. The most useful skill in China, and life, is creativity. Connect with […]
Sep 5, 2016
This show is for all you perfect people out there. Perfectionism makes us measure our worth by our accomplishments and productivity and I myself can fall into perfectionist behaviors if I’m not careful. Perhaps that’s why I particularly enjoyed this show with my co-host Pete Rogers for our Level up your Life series. Tune in […]
Aug 31, 2016
We all go through dark times. Hard times. Heck, moving to China can cast the most intrepid of laowai into uncertainty and darkness. Is there a point to these valleys? In this show with my co-host Pete Rogers, we discuss the necessity of troubling times, how we can navigate through them and what’s really the […]
Aug 30, 2016
Learning is life and life is learning. From the moment we’re born, we’re thrown into a world that confounds us and our learning journey begins. Did you know that you’re the combined sum of the 5 people you hang around with the most? Who is that for you? Do you like what there sum equates […]
Aug 29, 2016
As expats, moments in our our lives are often out of our control. How do you react when you feel external stress or stimulus that’s painful, confusing, or disorienting? In this show, my co-host Pete Rogers and I dig into the idea that behaviors resulting from feelings of helplessness can actually be learned, and if […]
Jul 22, 2016
At Limitless, we’re all about helping you be successful in China faster and this final installment of the Enneagram podcast series will give you strategies for living and working in the typical ‘6’ nation of China. If you’ve not listened to parts 1 and 2, definitely go back (or part 3 won’t make much sense!). […]
Jul 21, 2016
Unlike other personality descriptions that label you and leave you high and dry, the Enneagram is a tool full of hope that provides each person with practical steps towards a more balanced life. Tune into this episode, part 2 of the Enneagram series with Pete Rogers, to learn how movement around the nine personality types […]
Jul 20, 2016
This week, I did a training on how our innate personalities help to shape or inform our purpose and callings in life. Out of all the personalities profiling tests out there, what tool did I choose to use? Why, the Enneagram, of course! The Enneagram is the only personality test (if you could even call […]
Jun 1, 2015
At Limitless, we’re all about helping you be successful in China faster and this final installment of the Enneagram podcast series will give you strategies for living and working in the typical ‘6’ nation of China. If you’ve not listened to parts 1 and 2, definitely go back (or part 3 won’t make much sense!). […]