Oct 11, 2016
Most of us dream. Have you ever woken from a dream shaken up from images you saw or powerful emotions you felt? In this episode with therapist Julia Villalobos, learn how and why to get back to those moments, explore and work through them in a safe and effective way. Connect with Julia Connect […]
Sep 16, 2016
We all wear costumes. You may be a mom, or dad, sister or brother, perhaps an employee, a friend. What does it look like when you teach your brain to be comfortable without wearing a single one of these labels and everything that goes with them? In this episode with therapist Julia Villalobos, she walks […]
Sep 9, 2016
Our relationships with our parents can propel us towards our future or serve to block us from receiving what we need to move forward. In this show with therapist Julia Villalobos, she walks us through an exercise we can use to connect and receive all the positive energy we need from mom and dad. […]
Sep 8, 2016
Chances are you desire certain things for your life. Sometimes we need to stop chasing them and wait for them to come. In this exercise with therapist Julia Villalobos, she walks through an exercise called “Wished Horizons” that teaches you how to picture your ideal future and equip your brain with the tools it needs […]
Sep 5, 2016
This show is for all you perfect people out there. Perfectionism makes us measure our worth by our accomplishments and productivity and I myself can fall into perfectionist behaviors if I’m not careful. Perhaps that’s why I particularly enjoyed this show with my co-host Pete Rogers for our Level up your Life series. Tune in […]
Aug 24, 2016
Check out these stats: 20% of any carpet in your home gets 80% of the wear and tear. 80% of your emails go to 20% of your contact book. 20% of the people in your team do 80% of the work. Are these relationships phenomenons or is there something deeper to it? In this show in the […]
Aug 23, 2016
Who are the most successful people you know? The smartest? The strongest? I doubt it. In this show, my co-host Pete Rogers and I talk about the power of adaptability. In fact, we urge you, no matter where you are in your life or expat journey, to strive to be an adaptability machine. If you […]
Mar 23, 2016
In this show, we’re talking pollution. It’s a word that strikes fear and trepidation into the hearts of many expats. Especially parents as they consider any long-term health consequences for their little ones. So the question is: Is there a solution for those of us who choose to live here? Well, a couple of years […]
Mar 22, 2016
As an expat, the quality of your experience abroad often boils down to the depth of the relationships you make and the people you choose to pour into. Enter entrepreneur, app developer, Stone Shi, the mastermind behind an unbelievably useful app call Bon App. Bon App is China’s first bilingual dining app for discovering and […]