Mar 25, 2015
Mike Burns is so passionate about History that he changed careers to be able to teach it. Since he made the switch, Mike has taught students in elementary, middle and high school in the United States, Qatar and for the past eight years, China, nearly six of those at Concordia International School Shanghai. Of all […]
Feb 24, 2015
Erin is a wife, mother, teacher and learner. She works as an Instructional Coach at Concordia International School Shanghai, supporting elementary teachers in implementing best-practice reading and writing strategies in classrooms. She and her husband, Nicholas, have been in China for nine years and have a young daughter. This is a school that brings in […]
Dec 3, 2014
Bob Fan and his family moved from Minnesota to Shanghai two years ago for their expat experience. During their time in Shanghai, Bob worked as a Marketing Director for Covidien’s Emerging Markets group, while Darcy lived the tai-tai life and kids Kiana and Eric attended Concordia International School. Their time in Shanghai was rich and […]