Jan 1, 2015
A certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) trainer and Certified Hypnotherapist, Jeff holds a master’s degree in Professional Counseling. He has been in China for 9 years and prior to starting his company, REV, he served 26 years with distinction as a combat helicopter pilot and flight instructor with the Singapore Air Force, rising to the rank […]
Dec 15, 2014
Amanda is passionate about helping expats, particularly trailing spouses, figure out what the heck their new identity is now that they’ve packed up and and jumped on a plane. Not only are you now in unfamiliar surroundings, but quite often you can find yourself in unfamiliar shoes, trying to figure out how to navigate your […]
Dec 1, 2014
Adrian is considered a charismatic world traveler by many definitions. He has travelled for over 8 Years, entering over 70 countries and inspiring hundreds of people along the way. Adrian is also considered a successful Investor, who semi retired at 28 Yrs old with enough passive income to see him travelling as far and frequently […]