Dec 15, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we continue our series on “Getting Fit” with personal fitness coach, Andrew Jeanfreau. In episode 4, Andrew demystifies Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and how working out in this way can help everyone be more aware, self-confident, and more capable of living of effecting real change in their lives. This […]
Dec 14, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we continue our series on “Getting Fit” with personal fitness coach, Andrew Jeanfreau. In episode 3, Andrew talks about the different types of clients that he works with and how each type needs unique solutions to their individualized issues. Tune in and try to identify which type you are…I’m […]
Dec 13, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we continue our series on “Getting Fit” with personal fitness coach, Andrew Jeanfreau. In episode 2, Andrew gives very practical and helpful tips for staying fit during the winter months and during the holiday season…where there is temptation everywhere. Andrew’s advice in this area will both soothe your fears […]
Dec 8, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we begin a series on “Getting Fit” with personal fitness coach, Andrew Jeanfreau. In episode 1, Andrew tells us of his personal journey from United States Marine to Personal Fitness Coach and Mixed Marital Arts instructor. Andrew also shares his philosophy of fitness and well being and it’s eye […]
Jul 25, 2016
There are expats in almost every country around the world. But why? What’s so fantastic about the expat experience that it draws folks from the comforts of their well-known daily routines into the unknowns of a new culture, new job and a new way of life? My guest in this show, Lawrence Chi, is the […]
Jun 1, 2016
Have you ever lost trust in someone? I mean, I’m sure you have. Who hasn’t? What about this one: Why do you trust some people right off the bat, and yet for others, there’s something about them that you can’t quite put your finger on but you doubt their level of trustworthiness. There are concrete […]
May 30, 2016
To say that life in China moves ‘quickly’, may be an understatement. Breakneck speed may be a better descriptor. Or… Bustling. Brisk. Accelerated. Hurried. Immediate. Hasty. Sudden. Rushing. Jerky. Aggressive. Dynamic. Do you feel It? — That chaotic energy surrounding you as you hustle down the street? Does your calendar feel it, as every moment […]
May 26, 2016
How many times in your day-to-day life in China have you wondered (or muttered), “Why would someone DO that???” As we learn to navigate our new existence in China, the sentiment is often negative—we can’t help but filter the insanity happening around us through our own rosy glasses. But what would happen if we had […]
Apr 1, 2016
In this show you’ll get a real quick update on Lili’s son Wang Tao, installment 3, if you will, and then we’re going to spotlight Pete and what he does when he’s not interviewing guests for LimitlessLaowai. Pete’s background is really diverse and he has so much to offer both at the individual level and […]
Apr 28, 2015
Katia is driven by the belief that people deserve to live their life to its fullest potential. Ultimately, her passion is to help her clients reach emotional and spiritual balance, reclaim their identity and have the courage to lead by example. When she couldn’t find a firm that offered a service she was looking for, […]