Jun 16, 2016
If you’re raising kids abroad, have you ever wondered what it may be like for them to repatriate as Third Culture Kids? In this show, Limitless Intern Nick Abouchedid interviews two college students who spent the majority of their childhood in China. Americans by passport, Aaron Brantingham and Quincy Larson, both call China home, and […]
Jun 8, 2016
Having recently made the jump from an eclectic career that has included consulting, dancing, writing, and occasional gigs with startups, Mike decided to explore the world of app development. He and his wife have been living in Shanghai for over four years and have two young daughters. Also, Mike is Canadian, and he’s pretty proud […]
Apr 11, 2016
Inevitably, life in China as an expat changes you. No matter which stage of the expat journey you’re in, this heart-felt interview with Ruth Stevenson will speak to you. If you’re brand new and still reeling from the shock of the move, her recount of the first few months may hit home. Conversely you may […]