#107 Pete Rogers – Enneagram I: Unpacking your uniqueness
Caution: Learning about the Enneagram may change your life. If you’re up for understanding yourself and those around you in your home or at the work place better, developing more empathy and compassion for why people do what they do, then you’re seriously in for a treat with this three-part Enneagram mini series with management consultant, teacher, and personal coach, Pete Rogers. Pete is wildly positive (he’s a classic ‘7’ according to the Enneagram…) and was a joy to work with. We sat in my dining room for five awesome hours (my uber-efficient ‘3’ nature needed it done in one fell swoop!) digging into the intricacies of the Enneagram—a transformative personality inventory process. The applications for the Enneagram for individuals and in the workplace are endless, and what I love about this series is Pete shows us how to utilize this tool to be our best (and worst) selves, and gives us strategies to successfully live and work in China (a typical ‘6’ nation). In just the short amount of time I’ve been learning about the Enneagram, I’ve been thrilled with how I can use it in my own life and personal relationships to build compassion, acceptance and empathy. I think you’ll really enjoy it as well!
Self understanding really can lead to transformative relationships. If I don’t know what’s going on in my life, it’s difficult to change things.
In this episode
- What the Enneagram is and how it can influence your life
- The nine personality types as classified by the Enneagram
- The applications of this concept for your workplace
- The art of taking others’ actions less personal by understanding their wants and needs
- How to form an effective team by integrating different personality types
Connect with Pete
You can contact Pete on LinkedIn or via email at rogers.pete@gmail.com.
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