#252 Get Your Mind Right: Four Mindsets That Set Successful Expats Apart, with Lawrence Chi
Our success begins in our mind. I believe that wholeheartedly and I loved this discussion I had with Lawrence Chi, the owner of the Expat Compass, about the mindset or at least the behaviors associated with various mindsets, that set the successful expats apart from those who fail or just don’t get into a good rhythm in life and work during their time abroad. Now I know from experience, personal growth can be a painful and self awareness is hard won, but both lead to more successful and fulfilled lives. So if you’re up for the challenge of taking a good, hard look into yourself to identify any blind spots, or shortcomings that could hinder your effectiveness as a leader then tune in hear Lawrence’s recommendations of top four characteristics that you should intentionally foster before, during, and heck, even after your assignments abroad.
Connect with Lawrence
Connect with Lawrence by email at lawrence@theexpatcompass.com
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