Mar 7, 2017
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we welcome the leadership team responsible for Ladyfest…a festival to celebrate all things related to Women’s Empowerment that will be happening on Saturday, March 11th. Join us and be energized and excited to attend, and get involved, in this once a year event. Connect with Shanghai Ladyfest Episode sponsors […]
Jan 3, 2017
‘Tis the season for grand expectations to arise for the new year. Have you thought of what you want out of 2017? What if there was a way to make your goals and dreams a reality? In this show, Pete and Ally engage in a dialogue that ignites Ally’s passion for living an intentional life. […]
Dec 12, 2016
Time to hit up the markets to buy gifts for back home! Learn the difference between asking for something cheaper and actually asking for it to be pricier… yes, yes it happens all.the.time. Tune in and don’t let it happen to you! 买 mǎi Buy 卖 mài Sell 买东西 mǎi dōngxī Buy things (aka…go shopping) […]