Oct 10, 2016
In Part 5 in the Meta Reprogramming series with therapist Julia Villalobos, learn tools and techniques for overcoming limiting personal beliefs. Tune in to get equipped to eliminate your blocks and reach your true potential. Connect with Julia Connect with Julia by email at juliafairytales@yahoo.com, or WeChat at Lia-1988. Episode sponsors A special thanks to […]
Sep 16, 2016
We all wear costumes. You may be a mom, or dad, sister or brother, perhaps an employee, a friend. What does it look like when you teach your brain to be comfortable without wearing a single one of these labels and everything that goes with them? In this episode with therapist Julia Villalobos, she walks […]
Sep 9, 2016
Our relationships with our parents can propel us towards our future or serve to block us from receiving what we need to move forward. In this show with therapist Julia Villalobos, she walks us through an exercise we can use to connect and receive all the positive energy we need from mom and dad. […]
Sep 8, 2016
Chances are you desire certain things for your life. Sometimes we need to stop chasing them and wait for them to come. In this exercise with therapist Julia Villalobos, she walks through an exercise called “Wished Horizons” that teaches you how to picture your ideal future and equip your brain with the tools it needs […]
Sep 6, 2016
Information overload, conflicts and problems are a part of life. When they aren’t managed properly (or at all!) the stress and tensions of life can weigh heavily on us physically, mentally and emotionally. What if there were easy techniques that you could do on a daily basis to help you manage and sift through the […]
Jul 22, 2016
At Limitless, we’re all about helping you be successful in China faster and this final installment of the Enneagram podcast series will give you strategies for living and working in the typical ‘6’ nation of China. If you’ve not listened to parts 1 and 2, definitely go back (or part 3 won’t make much sense!). […]
Jul 21, 2016
Unlike other personality descriptions that label you and leave you high and dry, the Enneagram is a tool full of hope that provides each person with practical steps towards a more balanced life. Tune into this episode, part 2 of the Enneagram series with Pete Rogers, to learn how movement around the nine personality types […]
Jul 20, 2016
This week, I did a training on how our innate personalities help to shape or inform our purpose and callings in life. Out of all the personalities profiling tests out there, what tool did I choose to use? Why, the Enneagram, of course! The Enneagram is the only personality test (if you could even call […]
Jul 19, 2016
Heather is a nomad at heart, who loves adventure. From the time she was a small child she dreamt of traveling the world. What she didn’t know was she’d get to see the world by living abroad. In the past 16 years she has moved 13 times between five different countries. A passionate advocate of […]
Jul 14, 2016
Understanding the art of improvisation, and the necessity of risk taking are two essential skills that can help expats live well and adjust to life in China. In this interview with internationally renowned swing dancer Ramona Staffeld, we explore how a healthy dance relationship is like any good relationship—how learning to lead and follow create […]