Dec 29, 2016
We’re almost at the beginning of a new year and this show can give you some perspective on how to have a mindset of success as we seek to grow. This was a show that I did with my co-host Ally on “Leveling Up Your Life: Getting what you deserve.” It’s a challenging concept but […]
Sep 5, 2016
This show is for all you perfect people out there. Perfectionism makes us measure our worth by our accomplishments and productivity and I myself can fall into perfectionist behaviors if I’m not careful. Perhaps that’s why I particularly enjoyed this show with my co-host Pete Rogers for our Level up your Life series. Tune in […]
Aug 31, 2016
We all go through dark times. Hard times. Heck, moving to China can cast the most intrepid of laowai into uncertainty and darkness. Is there a point to these valleys? In this show with my co-host Pete Rogers, we discuss the necessity of troubling times, how we can navigate through them and what’s really the […]
Aug 30, 2016
Learning is life and life is learning. From the moment we’re born, we’re thrown into a world that confounds us and our learning journey begins. Did you know that you’re the combined sum of the 5 people you hang around with the most? Who is that for you? Do you like what there sum equates […]
Aug 29, 2016
As expats, moments in our our lives are often out of our control. How do you react when you feel external stress or stimulus that’s painful, confusing, or disorienting? In this show, my co-host Pete Rogers and I dig into the idea that behaviors resulting from feelings of helplessness can actually be learned, and if […]
Aug 25, 2016
Genuine humility seems a rarity in our day and age when access to limitless information has made becoming an ‘expert’ easier than ever and an obsession with social media necessitates shameless self-promotion. So, what does true success, coupled with humility, actually look like? Are there any people who have done it right, any who refuse […]
Aug 24, 2016
Check out these stats: 20% of any carpet in your home gets 80% of the wear and tear. 80% of your emails go to 20% of your contact book. 20% of the people in your team do 80% of the work. Are these relationships phenomenons or is there something deeper to it? In this show in the […]
Aug 23, 2016
Who are the most successful people you know? The smartest? The strongest? I doubt it. In this show, my co-host Pete Rogers and I talk about the power of adaptability. In fact, we urge you, no matter where you are in your life or expat journey, to strive to be an adaptability machine. If you […]
Aug 22, 2016
What is it that you want in life… Better internal health or external physique? A better marriage? Better friendships and relationships? A higher paying or more fulfilling job? We all want a better life in many of these areas but, do you DESERVE these things? In this show, Ally and Pete explore leveling up your […]