Apr 14, 2017
In this Weekly Wrap Up of Limitless Laowai, Ally and Pete chat about the growth that Limitless Laowai is experiencing and the amazing guests that have been instrumental in driving that change. Tune in for our fun and animated discussion! Connect with Ally and Pete Connect with Ally at ally@limitlesslaowai.com and Pete at pete@limitlesslaowai.com. […]
Mar 21, 2017
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we’re delighted to welcome the Director of Shanghai Shakespeare, Thomas Caron. Thomas is a lifelong student of the “Bard of Avon” and his passion is evident as he describes working to translate Shakespeare into a Chinese context. This is a passionate artist and this interview will surely awaken in […]
Jan 2, 2017
Do resolutions exist in China? Maybe, or maybe not! But… in this vocab-rich show, learn some of the common resolutions made by us ‘laowai’. 减肥 Jiǎnféi lose weight 戒烟 Jièyān quit smoking 少喝酒 Shǎo hējiǔ drink less 锻炼身体 Duànliàn shēntǐ work out 多睡duō shuì sleep more 多放松 duō fàngsōng relax more 多享受生活 Duō xiǎngshòu shēnghuó […]
Dec 12, 2016
Time to hit up the markets to buy gifts for back home! Learn the difference between asking for something cheaper and actually asking for it to be pricier… yes, yes it happens all.the.time. Tune in and don’t let it happen to you! 买 mǎi Buy 卖 mài Sell 买东西 mǎi dōngxī Buy things (aka…go shopping) […]
Dec 3, 2015
Have you ever heard a number change sound randomly based on how it’s being used? Do big Chinese numbers confuse you? If so, don’t worry, you’re quite like the rest of us. You see, the key to understanding how to craft large numbers is knowing that in Chinese, you must use a different base number […]
Nov 26, 2015
Learning numbers in Chinese is in some respects easier than English but total mastery of these suckers takes a bit of grit. In this show, I’ll walk you through how to craft the numbers 0 to 100. And give you a bit of practice time to stretch your brain a bit! All you need to […]
Nov 10, 2015
Ahhhh yes, the dreaded Chinese tone. As we launch this Laowai Chinese podcast series for all you beginner learners out there, we’ve got to start with the basics. In my experience, tones are one of the most dreaded and intimidating parts of learning Chinese but training your ear to differentiate between them will be what […]
Nov 5, 2015
Sick of being intimidated by taxi transport in China? You’re not alone! In this episode of Laowai Chinese, I’ll walk you through all the basics you need to know to squash your fear of getting lost and prep you for your next big outing! This episode is great if you’re hearing this vocab set for […]