Dec 7, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we finish our series on “Going Deeper.” In this episode we are going to engage the question of how self-acceptance, and relationships help us grow into more loving people. When we “fall in love” all seems perfect in the world, and then reality sets in and we realize that […]
Nov 29, 2016
We begin this episode with a simple question: “How you ever secretly felt happy at someone else’s failure?” If you have, then perhaps you were working through envy. We often don’t talk about envy in the same way we talk about anger or frustration and any journey towards wholeness has to begin with being honest […]
Nov 28, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we continue our series on “Going Deeper.” In this episode, we are going to engage the question of when does striving for excellence blur into a desire to be perfect at all costs? What are the emotional and psychological costs of being a perfectionist? Is there any benefit to […]
Nov 24, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we are continuing our series on “Going Deeper” by delving into the dark territory of co-dependence. This is a popular term in pop psychology but what does it really mean? Can helping other people really be bad for me? This third episode strikes looks at this question honestly. Tune […]
Nov 23, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai we are working through episode 2 of our series related to “Going Deeper.” In this episode, we tackle the very real problem of workaholism and how devastating it can be to not only our inner growth but to our family and friends as well. Are you a workaholic? What […]
Nov 22, 2016
In this episode of Limitless Laowai, we are beginning a series of podcasts designed to help us all “Go Deeper.” I’m returning to some of the material I’ve taught for years to university students that proved to stand the test of time in helping them on their way to becoming more whole and integrated. This […]