#250 Assessing An Expat Job Offer And Negotiating A Package, with Lawrence Chi
Not all job opportunities are created equal, and assessing your current skill match to a position’s requirements and navigating your future needs can be a tough process of discernment to wade through from your home country—especially if you don’t know the right questions to ask. I sat with Lawrence Chi, the owner of The Expat Compass, and in this show he gives you loads of those ‘right questions’ that you can ask on the front end of the job search process. He sums it up well, “You only get one chance to negotiate a contract,” so tune in to hear the options available to expats and how to negotiate the next few years of your career and livelihood in a way that will fit you and your family’s needs.
Connect with Lawrence
Connect with Lawrence by email at lawrence@theexpatcompass.com
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