#225 Choosing ‘Great’ over ‘Good’, with Jodie Clark
Jodie grew up in New Zealand and came to Shanghai eight years ago via London. She and her husband, Joe (nicknamed ‘Fish’), and kids left a fantastic set up as expats in London to leap into the great unknown of China and are now embracing this life with all its opportunities and challenges. Tune in to hear her insights on how and why to stay optimistic while living life in China.
We always wanted to see more of the world. We had to choose between reaching for those dreams or just settling with what we had.
Show Notes
How she got to China
She and Fish were happy and settled as expats in London when they felt like there was just something more… a new adventure… ahead of them. With two small kids, they packed up and came to Shanghai for Fish to bring a UK business to China.
Memorable “This is China” moment
Losing her three-year-old in a massive supermarket within a month of coming to China. Tune in to hear Jodie’s tips for preventing that from happening!
Motivational tips
As a stay@home mama, her kids are always around. This helps her keep her cool so they don’t freak out.
Greatest victory
It’s the little daily victories that make her proud of learning how to manage life in China. Her first Chinese phone call was a big deal! Not to mention, her growing understanding of the Chinese culture. It’s a bit like a puzzle that she’s piecing together one day at a time. Jodie and her family take amazing adventures within the city which they all love.
School situation
Her eldest daughter goes to Guangqi Academy, a small bi-lingual school that allows students to learn in whichever language they’re most comfortable with. It’s also a parent-led school so Jodie volunteers her time as a music teacher. For her middle two daughters, she home schools.
Jodie’s Tips & Tricks
Brings from home
Vegemite or marmite
Fav local resource
yihaodian.com (online ordering service)
Parting wisdom
Give yourself time to settle in China. Don’t decide whether you love it or not in the first few months. Get out and explore! When you’re missing people from home, don’t stay at home, reach out to your friends here. Let people know how you’re feeling.
How to Connect
Connect with Jodie @ jetsetjodie@gmail.com
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