#219 This week—Laying down excuses in pursuit of wellness
Good health and overall wellness are critical for you and for me to lead fulfilling and balanced lives. Being able to contribute to our families and communities in a meaningful way becomes very challenging when we aren’t operating at our best. This week, through an interesting series of events, Ally began to realize that her personal wellness is all out of whack and that she has been making excuses for it for far too long. So in this show, in an attempt to encourage those of you who know you can be better, more well, Ally bears all and shares just how physically, mentally and emotionally drained she has become. This show was really hard to record and it’s for those of you who realize that your potential has been shrouded in excuses, and you’re ready for a kick in the rear this summer to reclaim the greatness that you know has been lying dormant inside of you. Tune in to hear more but only if you’re ready for a challenge that’ll get you back to operating on all cylinders this summer!
You may think I’m being too hard on myself… Maybe so, but the truth is, I want to live an extraordinary life and make the most of the gifts and blessings I’ve been given. I can’t do that if I’m not well.
Connect with Ally
Wechat, wechat and more wechat @ allymona; give her a ring at 15221673216 or send an email to ally@limitlesslaowai.com
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