#212 This week—Nick, the Intrepid Intern

Photo courtesy of Kirk Hawkins
In the studio this week, Ally and Pete are joined by Limitless Intern, Nick Abouchedid, a rising senior at an international school in Shanghai. Nick has been killin’ in with Limitless in his first week with the Limitless hosts, getting a real feel for the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship in China. In this episode, hear some of his experience so far, the Best Of what launched this week and what’s up ahead.
I’m excited to be seeing what the entrepreneurial life is all about.
Connect with Ally & Pete
Send an email to Ally at ally@limitlesslaowai.com or Pete at pete@limitlesslaowai.com.
More shows with Nick
#215 This week—What it’s like to live Limitless for two weeks
#222 The Intern Chronicles, with Nick Abouchedid
#223 Third Culture Kids: Repatriation and college life, with Quincy Larson and Aaron Brantingham (HOSTED by Nick himself!)
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